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Voting is like choosing a rapist.
 Either way you're fucked.

Pinky & The Brain
Marx & Lennon
Natural Born Killers
 He would be puking all over his shoes.  Not because of the sorry state of the economy or the corruption in Washington or even the 2 unnecessary wars we are fighting. He would not be pleased but it wouldn't make him toss lunch. What would disgust him to the point of physical distress is the lily livered, spineless Americans who allow terrorism to run their lives.
am sure he would be ill when he heard that Americans would be willing to give up rights in order to feel safe and  demand they be tried for treason. And it is only the "feeling" of safety that comes from these types of actions because no one can stop all attacks and as the traps improve so do the mice.
would much rather die in a plane bombing than submit to body scans as the natural order and I'ma sure Jefferson would agree. The erosion of our freedom is of our own making  "Give me liberty or give me death" has been exchanged for "I'll do anything  just don't let them get me."
 Jefferson would be the first to tell you to show a little backbone and take it like an American.  Quit acting like a sissy Redcoat you sniveling little maggot. Stand up for your rights and never stop fighting for the rights of all.
say, bring it on. You can't stop us and you can't scare us no matter how many damn planes you blow up. But you better get every last one of us because if you don't we'll hunt you down and show you what terrorism really means. Hell, we invented that shit.

If Jefferson Were Alive
Do these look straight to you?
The Kennedy assassination may have been carried out by LH Oswald but if it was, he didn't do it alone. Regardless, it was more than just murder.
 It was a message to every leader of every country on the planet. If we can get to him, we can get to you.
 Every President who has tried to rid us of the central bank has either been assassinated or narrowly escaped. Jackson, Lincoln, McKinley, Kennedy, Reagan et al. Are we starting to see a pattern here?
Things are not always as they appear